Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A great day

I finally got all my things together and called Kings Court Catering and made an appointment to see them this afternoon. They are the exclusive caterers of Parkwood Estate in Oshawa. The are the number 1 caterer's that I wanted to get "in" with. I met with their wedding coordinator Danielle. She was really impressed with my mini portfolio. So much so, that she called one of the owners and head chef Kathy over to take a look. Kathy was also really impressed....she said that if my cakes tasted as good as they looked, then they would fully support me and let me "piggyback" off them for bridal shows :) She also said that they have 3 tastings a year for their clients and potential brides and that I could set up a table at them with me cakes and samples. I was on cloud nine. They were so supportive and encouraging. When Kathy saw the poinsettia cake, she said she wanted a chocolate one for Christmas as a center piece:) I am so glad I had the nerve to go and see them. I also dropped by Val's Bridal and Bunnies Catering and left some of my large promo cards that the very talented Heather Senter designed for me. They really stand out amongst all the other business cards there. I finally went in to see Yvonne from the Apple Blossom (florist shop in Orono) to introduce myself. She was really great and encouraging. She loved the new cards and even asked if I wanted to bring a cake in to display in her shop. I am going to bring in the black and white one....definitely a looker :) What a great day.